PT. Adimitra Baratama Nusantara
Mining Operations

Mining Operations

For overburden removal as well as coal extraction, larger fleets (up to 350 ton excavators and 100 ton dump trucks) are used to optimize economics of scale.


ABN’s mining concession area is 2,990 ha and is located in Sanga-Sanga, Kutai Kartanegara regency, East Kalimantan province in Indonesia. A life-of-mine plan has been completed for the concession, allowing for efficient long-term planning of production quality and capacity. ABN’s coal reserve data has been validated in accordance with JORC standard from Australia (by PT Runge Indonesia/ Minarco Mine Consult) and has been proven to be sufficient for long-term production.

Mining operation is surface, open-pit, using larger equipments (up to 350 ton excavators and 100 ton dump trucks) to optimize economics of scale. Majority of the mining activities from removal of overburden and extraction of coal are outsourced to a combination of established local and foreign contractors to manage performance risk.  

After extraction, coal is transported to ROM stockpile for crushing and quality testing. ABN coal has inherently low ash and therefore does not require washing. Crushed coal is stored at the main stockpile, and sent to the port using an overland conveyor for loading directly to 300ft barges at a rate of 1700 mtph. The barges are then sent to Samarinda Anchorage for transshipment activities.